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The Assent of Rose Marie Gray

Rose remembered screaming as the brightness engulfed her. The point of no return. Too late to change your mind, made another mistake, actually I don't want to die like this.

Author: G. Jefferies

Rose remembered screaming as the brightness engulfed her. The point of no return. Too late to change your mind, made another mistake, actually I don’t want to die like this. The pain was not so bad although her head really ached like someone was hammering her temples and sticking a hot needle up through the base of her skull. Not so bad is relative she decided. Josh had been worse. Although, if some states of mind were to be believed, he was having a bad time of his own right now. The sort of bad thing where time actually had caught him up and said “Now my boy, time for us to kick your ass for a change.”

That was a pretty good thought as it happened. As was having two kids and finding out somebody actually thought she was pretty. Not that terrible really after all.

Shame she’d taken the door her imaginary, or maybe real, friend had said was death. The one she knew folk went through and never came back. Or, maybe they went through to some place else and couldn’t come back? Rebecca wouldn’t know that would she? All she would know is being abandoned and left behind with the fear that this way was bad. Very, very bad. Somewhere to be shunned.

Then she found the middle door and that was that. Tower cracked and broken as her mind slowly moved into another place leaving the real world behind; save for a few odd moments when she had called out for help. Rose clung to to that. Maybe it’s not a bad place this one. Then the darkness began taking hold and her mind slipped away.

This book is complete and filed with a growing number of writings and worlds waiting for publication.

© G Jefferies and Fictionisfood, 2016. All rights reserved.

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