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NaNoWriMo, Presenting the WIP


The waiting is near done, my WIP is revealed. The paranormal brothers are back and now it’s time to decide; am I in or out?

This year I feel ahead of the game. Whilst a pantser by nature, when it comes to writing, this time round I’m developing from two bases.

  1. A sequel to last years novel called The Bequest.
  2. Developing an unfinished short story from way back that was serialised here on my blog.

Both focus on the brothers Carmichael and their intrigue into paranormal investigations. Initially sceptics, their experiences have led to a range of incidents that science alone cannot explain. If you’ve read the short stories then comments on those are directly responsible for both The Bequest and the WIP below. I thank you for that.

Without further ado, here is the WIP as it currently stands.



The Blurb

MarshBank House is haunted, so say the locals. It consumes people, or sends them to the lunatic asylum.

Alan and Joseph Carmichael run a paranormal investigation sideline. Two years ago they lost Conrad while helping Emma Strickland with her late father’s estate. He went into the house and never came back. He was not the first.

Behind the house lies a marsh that gave rise to the name. A Black Marsh with a long forgotten past. One that bleeds out every so often and consumes what it can, laying waste to the rest.

The brothers are done mourning, they want answers. They are not alone. The dead are walking and the film between past and present grows thin.

Journey with Templars, howling ruins and a pub with the world’s longest serving landlord.


So, there we are. Actually prepared and yet still deciding if November is the right place to push this forwards or use next years Camp NaNo months.

To write… or not to write? That is the question.


Anyone wanting to buddy up is welcome to do so. Even if I don’t do it this year, you will be on my dashboard for next time!












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